Augmented Minimalism
– an interdisciplinary art project based on emerging media technologies

Augmented Minimalism is an augmented reality (AR) art project that aims to explore the creative possibilities in combining minimalistic landscape photography, augmented reality and abstract art.

The project was initiated as part of Roland Kraemers’ thesis for the Bachelor of Science degree in his Online Media studies at the Hochschule Furtwangen University.

One of the central elements of his thesis was the creation of an augmented reality pictorial series that’s based on Rolands’ minimalistic photographic work. Through the use of an augmented reality application the photographs get expanded into abstract two-dimensional animations in real time.

The result of this project is a series of eight audio-visual artworks embedded in an abstract theme.

Hochschule Furtwangen
B. Sc. Online Media
FIRST INSTRUCTOR: Prof. Thomas Krach
SECOND INSTRUCTOR: Prof. Christian Fries
MUSIC: Tim Kahn
MOCKUPS: Anthony Boyd

How to use it?

To unlock the digital layers of the augmented reality artworks, you need to download the Artivive App that can be found for free in the App Store and in the Play Store. Or simply use the following QR-Code:



After downloading and installing the app, the next step will be starting the app and pointing the device at one of the following artworks:

(The us of headphones is highly recommended)