The ‘Chüebodengletscher’ is a glacier located right at the border between the ‘Tessiner Alps’ and the ‘Walliser Alps’ on an altitude of 2674m in the south of Switzerland.
The lake in front of the ‘Chüebodengletscher’ started appearing in the early 2000s. Since then the size of the lake in the glacier basin has been significantly increasing over the years & is now almost the size of the glacier itself. In November 2020 a big chunk of the Glacier broke loose and has since then been floating around the glacier lake. Giving this location the magical arctic feeling of floating icebergs.
What appeared to be really special to me about this glacier is the interplay between water and ice and the interesting abstract forms that result of it. In some occasions, the different states of aggregation complement each other. And sometimes they act in strict contrast to one another.
Switzerland / 2021